About arivis “Captains Round Table” Event Series
The current worldwide pandemic alongside the digital transformation has urged corporations and solution providers to reshape the way they connect and engage with customers regionally and globally. At the same time, arivis is launching a new innovation along the life sciences’ life cycle. Through all phases from early research, drug discovery via non-clinical and clinical trials to regulatory approval, massive amounts of digital assets are evolving. These data sets, documents and files need control, validation, QC checks and archiving, even after years and various development cycles.
New demands for data consistency as well as digital and more decentralized trials, with vast amounts of data, must be ready for analytics, AI, and Machine Learning. Automation and the use of textbots will enhance quality, consistency and integrity of data oceans, which are growing at an unprecedented speed.
Join us for the virtual series of events where you will find out:
Our first Webinar in a virtual series of arivis DIMENSIONS online events covers regulatory compliance, data integrity, metadata as key information for long-term data and record retrieval.
Tony Davies CV
After his PhD and a period as a Post Doc period at the University of Bristol Tony worked for 13 years in German government research organisation leading the molecular spectroscopic research team and the micro-analytical methods research programme. He has held the position of Professor of Analytical Science at the University of South Wales UK since 2001, focusing on integrating closer industrial ties into the academic environment through his global industrial network and capability to find common ground between the conflicting timescales for innovation between industry and academia. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and long-standing committee and subcommittee member of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) focussing on international data standards.