Tuesday, 08 February 2022 –

  • biomedion aims to develop and implement a strategy of organic growth as well as buy-and-build, supported by the expertise and experience of Main Capital Partners
  • High-growth software segment benefiting from regulatory tailwinds

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands and BERLIN, Germany, February 08, 2022 / B3C newswire / -- Main Capital Partners, a strategic investor with an exclusive focus on enterprise software companies, invests in biomedion GmbH, Germany, a GxP Data Cloud Platform provider of a suite of software to be used in all ‘good practice’ areas (GxP) in the life and health sciences industries. biomedion not only serves top 20 global pharmaceutical and biosimilar companies, but also their supporting Contract Research Organisations (“CROs”) as well as emerging biotechs across Europe and North America.
Main Capital Backs GxP Compliance Specialist biomedion
The increasing complexity and continuous changes in the regulatory environment push organizations to seek a highly integrated approach to their GxP practices and audit management processes. biomedion’s flagship application is the holistic data management platform neuronOS, which allows life and health science companies to collect raw data in a Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)-compliant manner, from hundreds or thousands of instruments within the companies’ laboratories and to store it in a secure, responsive and F.A.I.R. manner (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable). neuronOS ensures audit-readiness and GxP compliance anytime. To date, neuronOS is known as the only available solution in the market truly addressing GLP raw data integrity and data preservation in GxP environments. Additionally, the availability of integrated GxP data enables new ways of AI-supported, data-driven decisions.

While many life and health sciences companies still store their information in massive hardware depots, biomedion’s neuronOS platform offers a slick, modern and centralised digital storage that is available in the cloud as well as on-premises via its hybrid model. Non-compliance with regulatory requirements in life and health sciences can lead to significant damages and hefty fines as well as reputational damages.

Dirk Aulike, CEO of biomedion, commented: “The number and complexity of regulations will only increase in the coming years and many companies are not yet equipped for this rapidly increasing scrutiny. biomedion offers an immediate solution to address and solve these requirements.”

Andreas Suchanek, co-founder and President of biomedion, added: “We are very much looking forward to partnering with Main and together further strengthening our existing footprint into the EU and US, as we seek to scale up biomedion into a leading global market player. neuronOS is a powerful differentiator and a strong platform for growth, helping our clients to ensure availability and integrity of their GxP data across the entire life cycle. Ultimately, this will enable them to meet their growing compliance requirements and allows for new ways of analysing data on a larger scale.”

Sven van Berge Henegouwen, Head of DACH-activities at Main Capital: “This highly attractive product-market is expected to grow by around 23% per year until 2030 (1). We look forward to further advance in this attractive segment driven by the importance of data, and to supporting the biomedion management in their global objectives, using various a range of growth strategies.”

About Biomedion
Founded in 2000, biomedion develops the neuronOS platform, a modern software GxP data cloud platform in the life and health sciences industry to preserve GLP raw data from instruments and GxP information to ensure compliance with regulatory provisions. Headquartered in Berlin with additional offices in Munich (Germany) and Phoenix (United States), biomedion serves worldwide leading top 20 pharmaceutical and biosimilar companies as well as supporting Contract Research Organisations (CROs) and emerging biotechs in Europe and North America.

About Main Capital Partners
Main Capital Partners is a leading software investor in the Benelux, DACH and the Nordics. Main has almost 20 years of experience in strengthening software companies and works closely together with management teams of its portfolio companies as a strategic partner, in order to realise sustainable growth and build excellent software groups. Main counts over 45 employees and has offices in The Hague, Stockholm and Düsseldorf. As of October 2021, Main has over EUR 2.2 billion of assets under management. Main has invested in more than 120 software companies to date. These companies have created jobs for approximately 4,000 employees.

»For further questions please contact us

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